日期 Date:2024/11/28-29 (THU-FRI)
時間 Time:11:00-15:00
地點 Location:交大光復校區二餐3F蘭成廳
報名:請於11/25(MON) 17:00 前填寫線上表單報名。If you want to participate in the exhibition, please fill in the google form.
1. 國際事務處 OIA
2. 格拉茨科技大學
3. 布拉格捷克理工大學
4. 魯汶大學
5. 湍特大學
6. 薩克雷大學
7. 巴黎綜合理工學院
8. 生物技術高等學院
9. 慕尼黑工業大學
10. 阿亨工業大學
11. 帕多瓦大學
12. 東北大學
13. 查默斯理工大學
14. 蘇黎世聯邦理工學院
2024/11/28 THU
12:10-12:30 Session 1-Study at ETHZ
12:30-12:50 Session 2-Tohoku University: in "City of Trees" Sendai, Masamune Date Watching Over
13:00-14:00 Session 3 - UST Study Abroad Information Session 台聯大交換計畫
14:20-14:50 Session 4 - Study at MINES Saint-Étienne
2024/11/29 FRI
11:10-11:30 Session 1 - RWTH Aachen University - An excellent choice for your semester abraod!
11:40-12:00 Session 2 - Living in Italy by Università di Padova
12:10-13:10 Session 3 - Information Session for Exchange Abraod in AY2025/2026
13:20-13:40 Session 4 - Come study at Chalmers in Sweden!
講座除實體進行外,也將同步開放遠距參加,活動前一天將寄發會議連結給有報名的同學。(線上報名至11/25 16:00截止)
In addition to being held in person, the lecture will also be open to remote participation. The conference link will be sent to registered students the day before the event.
Note: The application deadline is on 11/25(MON) 16:00
In order to encourage students to actively participate, those who have signed up for more than 3 lectures (including physical participation and simultaneous remote participation) can include the "Certificate of Participation in Overseas Exchange Exhibition" when applying for the on-campus selection for overseas exchange in 2025/26 academic year.