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韓國Prof Jung Kim( KAIST 韓國科學技術院機械系主任)於下週四(11/28)下午4.30pm蒞臨演講

機械系邀請韓國Prof Jung Kim KAIST 韓國科學技術院機械系主任)於11/28(週四)下午4.30pm蒞臨演講 。


Kim  教授將 分享Robot haptics 




Topic: Robot haptics: mechanical signal transmission for Human Robot Interactions(HRI)

Speaker:Professor Jung Kim, KAIST, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Human skin has inspired the creation of robotic skin due to its numerous advantageous features for physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) environments. Human skin serves as the body's largest sensory organ, providing haptic feedback and shielding against external elements. It efficiently achieves extensive haptic sensing through cognitive processing and a limited number of mechanoreceptors with large receptive fields. Despite the challenges, integrating these attributes into a unified robotic skin system promises significant benefits for future robotics. In this presentation, I will explore the rationale behind mimicking human skin in robots, discuss the implications of robotic touch in human-robot interactions, and delve into methodologies for accurately capturing touch types and locations across large areas using a minimal number of sensing electrodes. These advancements are expected to pave the way for robots to seamlessly operate in human environments and interact with people through various sensory modalities.

Jung Kim has been working as a professor in the mechanical engineering department of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) since 2004 and he is leading the biorobotcs laboratory. He graduated B.S. and M.S. from KAIST in 1991 and 1993 respectively. In 2004, he obtained his Ph.D  from the Dept. of mechanical engineering of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). His research interests include robot perception, medical robots, haptics, bio-signal-based human robot augmentation system, physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) system, soft robot, wearable robot, robotic skin, smart actuation and daily life assistant robot device. He has supervised more than twenty Ph.D. and more than thirty master degrees since he joined KAIST. He served as a program chair of ICCAS 2018 and a general chair of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI 2019) and UR 2024 (Ubiquitous robotics) in 2024.   Since 2021, he was appointed as a head of the department of Mechanical Engineering of KAIST.  In 2024, he was elected as the senior vice president of the Korea Robotics Society (KROS)  and will serve as the president of the KROS in 2025. In addition, he was awarded the Scientist of the Month Award in 2024 by the Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea.